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The transformative impact of the Boustany Foundation scholarship on my Cambridge MBA journey

After being accepted into the Cambridge MBA programme, I was honoured to receive the Boustany Foundation MBA scholarship and was even more thrilled to learn that I was the first Chinese woman to receive this award. This recognition was both exciting and humbling, motivating me to make the most of this transformative opportunity. Before my […]

Considering applying for the Cambridge MBA? Read this first

Pursuing an MBA at Cambridge Judge Business School has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. With a rich tradition of excellence and a dynamic academic environment, Cambridge Judge has provided me with opportunities and challenges that have shaped my professional journey in profound ways. As I near the completion of my […]

MBA alumna Oremeyi Akah returns to class to share insights on Innovation in Africa

Thrilled to have returned to my MBA alma mater, Cambridge Judge , to share insights on Innovation in Africa. The story of Interswitch Group is always an honour to share. Joined by former colleague and co-fintech collaborator Khadijah Abu from Paystack, it was a session filled with enriching conversations. Here are a few takeaways that […]

Our Cambridge MBA story – how love, learning, and friendship can change everything

In the heart of Cambridge, Tony and I found more than just an education at Cambridge Judge Business School – we found a year brimming with love, learning, and friendships that would endure a lifetime. Our story began just before our MBA started in 2022. My world was fintech, and Tony’s was in the automotive and robotics industries. Despite […]

Global MBA connections – a lifelong network

As a consultant with PwC in India, I collaborated with clients, helping them strategise their global expansion strategy. I witnessed first-hand the key challenges new-age businesses face, such as Intellectual Property protection, flexibility in fund-raising, and unlocking cash flow efficiencies, while managing regulatory constraints and investor expectations. Even as new-age or well-established businesses struggle with […]

Rugby, Cambridge and my MBA

After pursing a PhD for the past three years at the University of Cambridge, in Politics and International Studies, while also playing for Cambridge’s first rugby team, I decided to switch gears and challenge myself with an MBA. The experience at Cambridge Judge Business School has been extraordinary thanks to the incredible classmates and faculty […]

Making the best out of a place where I met brilliant friends and leading thinkers in their fields

Making the best out of a place where I met brilliant friends and leading thinkers in their fields

The Michaelmas Term so far in Cambridge has been nothing short of fulfilling and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to study in this beautiful city. I wanted to broaden my perspectives and learn not just from the business curriculum and network at Cambridge Judge, but also from the wider Cambridge community made of […]

Three reasons for choosing Cambridge Judge as a tech sector builder

In the eyes of entrepreneurs, the MBA at Cambridge Judge Business School is a unique existence, because you can not only learn the business skills required for entrepreneurship, participate in the business school’s entrepreneurial incubator, and receive professional guidance, but also have links to the entire University of Cambridge eco-system. Have a clear self-understanding: Why […]