Lent Term was supersonic. 8 courses in 2 months. With more group projects and presentations, it finally felt like a proper business school semester. Each term of the Cambridge MBA has its own theme and this one taught me: The Power of Electives: When I wrote about electives on my MBA application, I couldn’t fully […]
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Tag: Faculty
AI Wars competition – a winning team in our MBA Strategy class
In February, our MBA Class of 2024/25 team, representing Mistral AI, won the AI Wars competition for Stream 4 held during our Strategy class. We competed against peers representing Anthropic AI, Google, Meta, OpenAI, and xAI. We had the opportunity to present a robust AI strategy to our colleagues and panellists from the Cambridge network. […]
From gemstones to frameworks: My Cambridge MBA journey
On the day that I decided to apply for Cambridge MBA, I took the time to look around at the jewellery store that I had built and run for over 5 years. The jewelleries sparkled and shone, indicative of the growth that my entire team had experienced and contributed to. We had spent years acquiring the skills […]
Impact Investing Case Competition – a Cambridge MBA team effort
We caught up with our Cambridge MBA team ahead of the Impact Investing Case Competition held in Rotterdam; Diana Goldenberg: I’m excited to harness the tools I have gained in the MBA programme and contribute to positive social and environmental impact creation at the Impact Investing competition in Rotterdam School of Business. Looking at the preparation […]
Making the best out of a place where I met brilliant friends and leading thinkers in their fields
The Michaelmas Term so far in Cambridge has been nothing short of fulfilling and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to study in this beautiful city. I wanted to broaden my perspectives and learn not just from the business curriculum and network at Cambridge Judge, but also from the wider Cambridge community made of […]
Diwali – lights and laughter at Cambridge Judge
In November, The Cambridge India Business Forum SIG had the pleasure of organising a Diwali (Indian festival of lights) Formal Hall Dinner at Sidney Sussex College, for the students of Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS). It was a memorable night of networking and cultural gathering. The guest panel included: Dame Sandra Dawson, ex-Director of Cambridge Judge Business […]