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A matter of exposure

A matter of exposure

Many things have changed since my last entry on the Cambridge MBA blog in September 2018. I could write about the incredibly intense learning experience, the varied extra-curricular activities, the May Balls, my Global Consulting Project in Norway or any one of the thousands of cool events that happened during the year. The truth is […]

A new frontier

A new frontier

The idea to start a podcast about investing in frontier markets originated organically from having great conversations with thought-leaders in this space, and a prompt from my partner (I’m generally 2 steps behind). The Frontier Market Investing podcast is focused on learning from leading practitioners in emerging markets, consolidating best-practices and raising the profile of […]

United Arab Emirates Trek 2018

United Arab Emirates Trek 2018

In late December 2018, twenty-five Cambridge MBA students and a member of MBA Careers team embarked on a career trek to the UAE. Our aims were to discover the region, and to make lasting connections with alumni and companies in the area. For many of us, networking with the ultimate goal of obtaining employment in […]

Business in Africa Conference Cambridge 2019

Business in Africa Conference Cambridge 2019

Friday April 26th and Saturday April 27th, 2019 may not represent much to most people, but these two days were among the most significant in the MBA journey of the organising team for the 2019 Business in Africa Conference. They represented the culmination of six months worth of effort, and a truly rewarding and transformational […]

Meeting Entrepreneurial Partners and winning prizes

Meeting Entrepreneurial Partners and winning prizes

One of the extra special things about Cambridge MBA is to be embraced by the larger University of Cambridge platform. Once you become matriculated at your College, you meet students from multidisciplinary backgrounds at formal dinners, specific college events, as well at the official clubs that span the University itself. I met my life-time long […]

Japan MBA Trek 2019

Japan MBA Trek 2019

Japan, one of the most eastern countries in the world – from the western view!. In early January, twenty-one MBA students hailing from a dozen countries across, began 2019 with a career trek to Japan. For many it was a trip of a lifetime, combining friendship, food and Japanese spirits with a deep cultural experience […]

Energy and Sustainability SIG: half way through

Energy and Sustainability SIG: half way through

Cambridge Judge Business School is proudly highlighting its ability to tailor the MBA programme in a way to support various aspirations of each and every student. There are quite a few ways to do this, starting from the traditional electives selection that many other business schools adopt through to a standard Summer Project, that often […]

Chasing after the wind and team spirit 

Chasing after the wind and team spirit 

Every September hundreds of MBA students and alumni from top global business schools travel to Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, a famous sailing destination, to take part in the Bocconi MBA Conference and Regatta.  Twenty-five schools compete in three separate races divided by boat class. CJBS Sailing Club, launched in 2016, was invited for the second […]

Founders Factory: a visit by the Entrepreneurship SIG

Founders Factory: a visit by the Entrepreneurship SIG

We arrived at the Founders Factory in London, for an evening of presentations given by three early stage startups. They ranged from a startup that is still forming market understanding and product offering to an early-stage company that has started selling to a limited audience. The companies included a media company that pulls together daily […]