In the eyes of entrepreneurs, the MBA at Cambridge Judge Business School is a unique existence, because you can not only learn the business skills required for entrepreneurship, participate in the business school’s entrepreneurial incubator, and receive professional guidance, but also have links to the entire University of Cambridge eco-system.
Have a clear self-understanding: Why take an MBA?
After five years in the automotive technology sector, where promotional opportunities arose, I reached a pivotal juncture. Fuelled by a passion for the industry and a desire to contribute through meaningful innovations, I recognised the need to broaden my understanding of effective creation. The question arose: “Which platform could provide the most comprehensive knowledge expansion?” Extensive research led me to the conclusion that an MBA would be the catalyst for the cognitive shift I sought.
Make the choice that’s best for you: Shape the future with Cambridge Judge Business School
The automotive industry is undergoing a transformative shift, not only from traditional to electric vehicles but also towards a paradigm where vehicles become immersive spaces for entertainment, leisure, and connectivity. This evolution is driven by technological innovations rooted in data and artificial intelligence (AI). For me, the crucial criterion in choosing a business school, was its ability to augment my knowledge and applied skills in AI and data, leveraging its extensive network. Cambridge Judge, as part of the University of Cambridge, stood out as the ideal choice. The university’s interdisciplinary research centres facilitate collaboration across diverse fields, fostering innovation and unconventional perspectives. Attending lectures organised by various university organisations and laboratories, ensures I stay at the forefront of emerging trends in the business world.
Reaching out to the wider world: Engaging in the Cambridge Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
Cambridge’s reputation for innovation centres and business incubators, exemplified by the Cambridge Enterprise Centre, offers a bridge between academia and industry. For me, engaging with entities like the King’s College E-lab, Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery, and Cambridge University Energy Technology Society, provides deep insights into artificial intelligence, data, and new energy vehicle industries. For MBA students aspiring to create startups, the Cambridge entrepreneurship ecosystem is the launchpad for strategic networking, mentoring, incubation, access to cutting-edge research, precisely tailored professional development, and industry partnerships.
In essence, being an MBA student at CJBS and a part of the University of Cambridge, provides unparalleled access to cutting-edge research, a testament to the world-class faculty, top-notch facilities, interdisciplinary initiatives, and a culture that values innovation. This choice not only enriches academic experiences but also equips individuals to make meaningful contributions to their fields.
Remember, you will win because you are a part of Cambridge.
Rebecca is Chair of the Mobility SIG and an EDI Representative for the School. For more on student Special Interest Groups and roles visit our webpages here >