Entering the Cambridge MBA, I was uncertain about what to expect. Despite receiving encouragement from family, friends, and mentors, I wondered: how much could one programme really change who I was as a person and a professional?
Prior to the MBA, I had spent most of my career working for an infrastructure investment fund in Toronto. I was part of the Market Research team, and we essentially acted as internal consultants – conducting commercial due diligence on investments and analysing markets and industries. Following this, I spent a year working on Electric Vehicle strategies for a fleet management company. With my focus on energy and transport, I came to better understand energy markets and how significant a transition was required to reach a net zero future.
Upon joining the MBA, my goal was to immerse myself in the energy sector. I aimed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the industry, market players, and the career opportunities available. Given my passion for sustainability and addressing climate change, I wanted to understand how I could best contribute to the transition toward a cleaner future.
Early on, I discovered the Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN) through its previous president, Evan Talbot. The CUEN conference aligned perfectly with my objectives for the MBA. The conference brings together students, academia, and industry professionals to discuss pressing energy and climate issues. It seemed like an incredible opportunity to learn from industry experts about pressing and interesting topics in the energy space.
Over the past six months, alongside MBA classmates, Aarohi Dalal, Shashank Jasrapuria, and the rest of the CUEN team, we have dedicated significant effort to ensuring the success of the annual CUEN conference. With the theme ‘Decarbonizing today and creating a clean tomorrow’, we aimed to address the simultaneous challenges faced by traditional energy companies seeking decarbonization and the emergence of new technologies such as green hydrogen and carbon capture. It all makes for fascinating discussion between the old and new guards of energy.

We are fortunate to have Lord Browne of Madingley, Chairman of BeyondNetZero and former CEO of BP, providing insights on the energy transition from both old and new perspectives.
The 2023 CUEN Conference, being held on 9th June boasts an impressive lineup of speakers, which can be found on our website, https://www.cuen.uk/. Whether a newcomer to the energy sector or an experienced professional, this conference is relevant to all.
So, “How much could one programme really change who I was as a person and a professional?”. To me, it’s the platform that the Cambridge MBA has provided. People often say, “it is what you make of it”, and it sounds like a cliché, but for me this has been the biggest lesson of the MBA.
The more I’ve put myself out there, the more that I have been rewarded for my efforts. CUEN exemplifies this. First, working with a team from all over the world, each offering different perspectives on the energy transition and what net zero means to their home country. Second, CUEN has provided me the opportunity to share a stage with influential figures like Lord Browne and Dev Sanyal. Where else but Cambridge would I get these opportunities?
*I would like to thank all contributors to the 2023 CUEN conference including our sponsor Spencer Stuart, the CUEN team (Aarohi, Shashank, Tracey, Arun, Lucas, Kelvin, Cindy, Chira), and our alumni advisors JP Bekenn and Evan Talbot.