We are Nicole and Travis here to share a bit about our experiences as a couple doing the MBA programme, together.
A bit about ourselves: Nicole’s background is in global health and she has worked as a project manager for health technologies. Travis is a mechanical engineer who has worked at an energy company. We are from the USA but have lived and travelled around the world. We love to spend time with our family, friends, and pup Nova.
We’ve both known for a while that we wanted to do an MBA, but recently decided that we happened to be ready at the same time. The Cambridge MBA programme attracted both of us for a variety of reasons. For one, we wanted to be in a one year programme that would give us a global perspective of business and operations. Nicole was excited about the Healthcare Strategies Concentration and the variety of experiential learning projects that had a social impact focus. Travis was interested in the Energy and Environment student interest group (SIG) that would allow him to learn more about the sector and how it overlaps with tech product management. Most importantly, when we visited Cambridge Judge during the Open Experience and Interview Days, we felt right at home – the CJBS team was welcoming, and the fellow MBA candidates became quick friends!
Travis is a member of Jesus College and Nicole is a member of Christ’s College. We were lucky to get couple’s accommodation at Jesus College. We have a charming 2-bedroom flat that is centrally located and onsite, so we get to take advantage of college facilities like the library, gym, and café more frequently. We have also made several friends through our colleges, which is one of the best parts of being based within a collegiate university.
We feel so lucky to be able to share this experience together!

We’ve used each other as thought partners to deep dive into topics we’ve found especially interesting from our classes and to think through our next career steps together. We’ve been to formals, wandered through the lanes of Cambridge, and had our fair share of Jack’s Gelato. Especially during the UK lockdown, we have been fortunate to have each other’s support and company.
Yet, as two very independent people, it was important for us to be able to pursue our own academic and extracurricular interests. Nicole is a CJBS Student Representative and is a part of the first ‘Student Diversity Coalition’ for the MBA programme. She is also the Women’s Officer for the Christ’s College MCR (Middle Combination Room). Travis is a Social Chair for the Jesus College MCR and is on the CJBS and Cambridge MBA football team.
We’ve cheered each other on throughout!
This has been one of the busiest but best years of our lives and we are so glad we got to do it together. The experiences and friendships we’ve gained this past year will be something we will cherish forever.