The idea to start a podcast about investing in frontier markets originated organically from having great conversations with thought-leaders in this space, and a prompt from my partner (I’m generally 2 steps behind). The Frontier Market Investing podcast is focused on learning from leading practitioners in emerging markets, consolidating best-practices and raising the profile of this rewarding investment landscape.
Throughout the MBA we are encouraged to consider creative approaches to building a network, sharing our message, and adding value now, rather than waiting for the programme to end. While the programme is undoubtedly a full-time job in and of itself, I took on the task of starting a podcast the winter term break, drafting what I wanted the podcast to look like. What was the scope of the podcast? Who was my target audience? What was the specific content I wanted to produce? And, most importantly, who did I want to interview?
With no prior experience in recording or producing audio content, I certainly didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I joke (semi-seriously) that if I had known how much time it would take to get started I might not have started at all. But I really enjoy learning about a whole new field, including what hardware & software to purchase, how to ensure a quality video, what was needed for podcast artwork, and how to position a podcast to the market. I am still certainly a novice, but I’m learning along the way!
The best part of producing the podcast is the actual interviews. Every episode is interview-based, and I’ve had a wide range of guests, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Strategic Investment Fund, CDC Group, SME private equity investor Secha Capital, and micro-insurance disruptor BIMA. I have even had the chance to interview some fellow MBA classmates. In the most recent episode, Chuka Madubunyi spoke about his experience doing private equity in Nigeria, and one of my first episodes is with Namuun Munkhbat, sharing about her work at an investment company in Mongolia.

I’ve consistently been really impressed with the depth of insight that comes from my guests’ experiences. Doing these interviews has been a really rewarding way to learn more about colleagues, new and old, and the podcast has been a great platform to share their stories and insights with those interested in investing in the majority world.
While the MBA is quickly coming to an end, I am excited to continue the podcast into the future. I think the content will become even more relevant in the coming years, as global capital markets turn their focus more and more towards emerging markets in search of yield. I’m a firm believer that these are the markets to drive future economic growth, and it’s been a pleasure to draw attention to what is happening in this space.

The podcast is available on all the usual audio channels or at
www.frontiermarketinvesting.com and I am always happy to hear about new ideas or concepts for the podcast as it develops.